• wide range of structural data in a single repository
    • RNA sequences and secondary structures (dot-bracket, graphics)
    • atom coordinates, torsion and pseudotorsion angle values, sugar pucker parameters, base pair classification...)
  • an engine to search for RNA 3D fragments matching user-defined sequence / secondary structure pattern

Looking for experimentally determined RNA structures with particular sequence or secondary structure motif?

Visit RNA FRABASE to satisfy your scientific curiosity!


Do you need to get a quick view of RNA 3D fold corresponding to your RNA sequence or secondary structure?

Explore RNAComposer for one-click prediction of RNA 3D structure!

RNAComposer is:

  • a fully automated knowledge-based system to predict three-dimensional structures of RNA
  • the fastest in its class and most user-friendly computational tool to be found internet-wide
  • publicly available and freely accessible webserver
  • and many more ...


  • derives RNA secondary structure from atom coordinates (pdb files)
  • annotates canonical and non-canonical base pairs
  • supports knotted and unknotted structures
  • classifies pseudoknots according to their order
  • visualizes secondary structures
  • allows to compare all base pair identification methods


RNAlyzer is a computational method:

  • to compare RNA 3D models with the reference structure
  • to discriminate between correct and incorrect 3D models.

Unique fitures of RNAlyzer:

    • the idea based on local neighborhood, defined as a set of atoms included in the sphere, centered around user-defined atom,
    • simultaneous visualization of the distance between model and reference structure, at different accuracy levels (from individual residues to entire molecules).

RNAssess - a server that supports quality assessment through delivering both static and interactive visualizations, allowing an easy identification of native–like models and/or chosen structural regions of the analyzed molecule. It is available online and allows to apply all well–established measures used for RNA quality evaluation. A combination of results provided by RNAssess allows us to rank analyzed models.


RNAfitme is a tool for:

  • remodels nucleobase- and nucleoside residue conformations in the fixed-backbone RNA 3D structure
  • reconstructs full-atom model of RNA from its backbone
  • refines RNA 3D model by reducing steric clashes


If you are exploring non-canonical interactions in RNA secondary structures try RNAvista. RNAvista allows predicting an extended RNA secondary structure from sequence or from the list of canonical base pairs. It is:

  • fully automated
  • publicly available
  • freely accessible webserver.

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